Toivevirsien päivä

Southern Cross Finnish Lutheran Church 23 Sevenoaks Cres, Bass Hill, Sydney, NSW, Australia

Tervetuloa laulamaan! Sunnuntaina 28.4. Bass Hillissa lauletaan toivevirsiä. Lisäksi tarjolla on kevyttä lounasta ja kahvit. Tule mukaan klo 11 alkaen. Mukaan pääset myös Youtubessa. Come and sing your favourite Finnish hymns in Bass Hill! We'll start 11pm and there's lunch and coffee afterwards. You can follow the event also on Youtube.


Worship Service Bass Hill

Southern Cross Finnish Lutheran Church 23 Sevenoaks Cres, Bass Hill, Sydney, NSW, Australia

Monthly service in Finnish in our Bass Hill church (23 Sevenoaks cres). Morning tea afterwards.


Worship Service Bass Hill

Southern Cross Finnish Lutheran Church 23 Sevenoaks Cres, Bass Hill, Sydney, NSW, Australia

Monthly service in Finnish in our Bass Hill church (23 Sevenoaks cres). Morning tea afterwards.


Worship Service Bass Hill

Southern Cross Finnish Lutheran Church 23 Sevenoaks Cres, Bass Hill, Sydney, NSW, Australia

Monthly service in Finnish in our Bass Hill church (23 Sevenoaks cres). Morning tea afterwards.


Worship Service Bass Hill

Southern Cross Finnish Lutheran Church 23 Sevenoaks Cres, Bass Hill, Sydney, NSW, Australia

Monthly service in Finnish in our Bass Hill church (23 Sevenoaks cres). Morning tea afterwards.


Worship Service Bass Hill

Southern Cross Finnish Lutheran Church 23 Sevenoaks Cres, Bass Hill, Sydney, NSW, Australia

Monthly service in Finnish in our Bass Hill church (23 Sevenoaks cres). Morning tea afterwards.


Worship Service Bass Hill

Southern Cross Finnish Lutheran Church 23 Sevenoaks Cres, Bass Hill, Sydney, NSW, Australia

Monthly service in Finnish in our Bass Hill church (23 Sevenoaks cres). Morning tea afterwards.
